Celebrating my work.
computersI've taken some time to put together my most successful projects with my time working with computer science, teams and businesses. I've throughly enjoyed the work and am very humbled and lucky to learn all I have for the future of my career.
During Southampton University I was involved in designing AudioScrobbler and designing out a collaborative filtering algorithm to suggest music that you'd like. This turned out to be Last.fm which then sold to CBS. This was really great to see how it turned out from my innovation with the early team.
Then I was hired by Complinet (today Thomson Reuters) which was my first company out of Southampton University. There myself and the team worked on a media search index, first of a kind. One where it could index 300k news articles in realtime to extract names with NLP analysis, a library from Stanford at the time. Compared to Autonomy (Cambridge university's best solution) and Google one box at the time, our solution out performed both. This index was then used to search for known sactioned individuals that large financial institutes wouldn't work with. Used a distance vector algorithm to weight results from the search results. The only other aspect I was proud of here was the introduction of Java services and development using this stack for both web services and desktop software.
After Complinet, I founded GofreeRange where we could have the smartest Ruby developers together to work on larger projects than a freelancer would. A couple of projects are my highlight.
Telefonica, we built a labs project to have software running in the SMSC relays to allow customers to have their text messages stored in a distributed database and allowing them to access them from a digital API. The intended product here was being able to use a non phone interact with your text messages. At the time it required optimization of Ruby's runtime loop and using EventMachine to have a fast service to not interrupt the delivery of text messages within the network. We ran it during New Years Eve, the largest evening of text messages and the system stayed up.
For volunteering, I worked with a number of social impact projects. One was wwith the RSA and a firm to allow the reporting of disability access to the TFL, using a mobile phone reporting system. This was intended to be used for the improving of transport for the future London Olympics.
I got featured in Wired in 2009 or so, when Twitter was formed. I ran a hack weekend in cojunction with the first that ran in San Francisco. I was working with a collegue in London to make Twitterfeed, where between the two of us, we built a stack that published 6million RSS feeds to twitter accounts. Allowing Twitter to get a lot of posts daily. During it, implemented a lot of enterprise architecture for large web scale computing.
With my move to Canada, I formed some companies, communities and startups with other clients. Formed a startup agency called Brewhouse, where we built Goodbits
Before Brewhouse, I did attempt to get a startup funded. We built the first Javascipt analytics service to capture data from front end applications. We worked with LinkedIn, RDIO and a number of other companies.
Some clients to note, which are startups I helped almost like their CEO to build out their first technical product and their first team. Loft47, a farmer service for the cannabis industry where farmers and stores can manage their buying and selling of stock (was a slack clone product for realtime chat). Big data for Hootsuite, Mobify, I setup a lunch n learn with businesses to talk about big data and provide architecure insight on how they can scale their technical infrastructure. One deep tech project I worked on here, was an SSL optimization for all connections for data endpoints to collect data faster, it reduced 30% off all global data transactions, allowing data collection for a metric service to be much faster.
The company might not be around today, but I designed and we built out Command Wear. A system to allow police and riot control to monitor and direct the staff with recording and live streaming for the RCMP. To ensure people's safety.
I look forward to more exciting projects in 2025.