Creating a safe mind space
theoryI've struggled to create a space to work in silence and not have conflicting thoughts on the progress of complex designs and implementations in computer science.
In the past a number of methods have worked such as:
- Specific background music
- The right setup in the office, chair, monitor, objects in the room
- Time management
Today I use these following methods that you can use anytime.
Create new clock of some kind, similiar to a sand clock on the desk, you can make it anything you want. Just has to be something that ticks or shows an indication of progress of time. The other day I cut a bottle of coke into two, placed the top back inside of it and put water in it. Made a hole in the cap and filled with a bit of tissue to slow the water down. Such that it drips, so it's a water clock. I've done others, and have my own clock on my mac to help with this.
Music resonation in materials around you and the work. Can be simply a Roland S-1 playing a sequence of notes and sounds through a headphone jack plugged into a plant. The plant acts as a natural speaker of sorts and creates for me a peaceful area. I've experimented further with other techniques like this. My theory here is that the sound signals and the plant acts as an amplifier of what earth would provide to your mind and body.