theoryConcepts to ensure privacy of data and secrecy of your ideas.
Encryption doesn’t have to just be a password or a yubi key. Laptops have fingerprint but don’t create a unique signature that can be loaded up again on another machine. The same issue is with the newly released passkey approach, where it’s the same as 2FA in that you need that one authentication method to sign in again. Why don’t we have the ability to walk up to a computer and say “hello” and it know the unique signature of who you and decrypt/encrypt with that. Or even some form of human variability that is unique to each individual. For me, I’ve thought of concepts like the speed and approach you’d type on a keyboard for example. The speed in which you’d interact or the unique wasy you’d use specific keys and fingers typing.
For Holopod, I used face detection to better understand when there was someone sitting in front of the computer, only so that I could share a Slack status that “I’m away” when I was making coffee for remote work, to let team members know of the context of what I was doing. The same approach of what could be monitored on a individual could then be used for cybersecurity.